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Congratulations Mr. Amogh Pai Raiturkar and team !

Congratulations to Mr. Amogh Pai Raiturkar, Assistant Professor,Department of Computer Science (MSc. Information Technology) and Mr. Rohan Almeida, Mr. Rajeev Dessai, Mr. Ayush Noorani, Mr. Samuel Godinho students of MSc. Information Technology Part-II for having published the research paper.

Rohan Almeida, Rajeev Dessai, Ayush Noorani, Amogh Pai Raiturkar, Samuel Godinho.(2022). Comparative analysis of K-Means, SVM, Decision Tree and Naive Bayes in Predicting Diabetes Presence. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Volume 11, Issue 12 (December 2022).DOI: 10.17577/IJERTV11IS120157

The college is proud of their achievements!.