The Department of Psychology has been in existence ever since the inception of the College, i.e. since 1962. Up to 2008 the Department functioned under the Department of Philosophy. In 2008,the department came into independent existence with 3 units being offered atthe Third Year level. In 2009, six units were introduced. Prior to this,Psychology was offered as a subject for the first year and second year studentsonly. In 2015 the College attained autonomy and since then the Department offer Single Major, Double Major and Major minor structures.
Today the Department has grown by leaps and bounds as its programs have become among the most sought after by aspirants. Currently the Department of Psychology offers two programs: B.A. in Psychology and M.A. in Child Psychology and Child Development which is the only program of its kind in the state of Goa.
Vision & Mission
The Department of Psychology at Parvatibai Chowgule College (Autonomous) offers Undergraduate program aimed at providing astrong foundation in fundamental and applied psychology.
The program offers courses in mental health, human development, social psychology, and research. The teaching methodology involves debates, group discussions, quizzes and problem solving, thereby facilitating critical thinking among the students. Oral presentations and written assignments foster communication skills. Students are trained to administer psychological tests and conduct controlled experiments through practicals. The practicum component also inculcates research skills like observation, case study and survey method.Hands on experiences are provided to students inclinical/counselling/industrial psychology through internship programs. Field visits to various organizations dealing with mental health such as Sethu –Child and Family Diagnostic Centre, Sangath Centre, Kripa Foundation –rehabilitation centre, are conducted once every semester.
The faculty and students organize awareness programs on substance abuse,domestic violence, and child labour& child abuse for the local community.The department conducts various activities to create awareness about various psychological issues. These activities also hone organizational skills of thestudents. These include an annual Discussion Forum, which sensitizes students to issues like suicide, sexual abuse and underachievement; Mind Kraft an eventwith various competitions focused on self-actualization for Higher Secondary and College students. Experts from various fields of psychology are invited to interact with the students and share their experiences to expose them to different options of a career in psychology psychospectrum.
The department comprises of four faculty members (two PhD holders)
The department boasts of a well-equipped laboratory with individual cubicles and a number of psychological tests. Students are provided withe-resources for all practical and theoretical courses. Students can avail of scientific journals such as Health and Wellbeing, Applied psychology, Positive Psychology and Humanities and Social Science Studies. Students are guided to participate and present papers at State, National and International level seminars and conferences, as well as publish papers in national and international journals. We are proud to have 08 research articles co-authoredby students published in peer reviewed journals.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be eligible topursue careers in specialized fields of their choice.
We offer the course on merit to students who have studied psychology atthe higher secondary level with a minimum score of 50% aggregate. Such students with basic knowledge of computerand willingness to participate in departmental activities, as also carry onfield work are the right candidates for the course.
Programmes Offered
Department Faculty