Overview of Research
Besides being an academic institution focusing on quality education, Parvatibai Chowgule College is actively involved in encouraging research. With the implementation of Autonomy, the goals and objectives for research promotion were redefined and a strategic plan was prepared for promoting and strengthening research. Social responsibility being part of the institutional mission, strategies to contribute to the society through various extension services and community outreach activities continue to be executed.
Besides formulating more than 11 research related policies, myriad measures were undertaken to promote and strengthen research, create an ecosystem for encouraging innovations, enhancing infrastructure and facilitate process of disseminating information. 29 research projects/grants were received during the past 05 years funded by DBT, DST, SERB, ICSSR, UGC, Directorate of Higher Education (DHE), Govt. of Goa, Goa Forest Department, Mangrove Society of India, Goa State Biodiversity Board, IISER, Goa-DST etc. Most of the research work aim at addressing social issues, environmental issues and contribute to improvising human heath in general.
The institute also offers consultancy services and also contributes to the society through various extension services. Consultancy services are offered in the department of Geography, Zoology, Computer science and Chemistry. Besides the NSS unit of the college, extension activities are carried out by various departments of the college, for the benefit of the less privileged and marginalized section of society and also to bring awareness of health issues and contribute to improvising quality of education in the neighboring schools/colleges.
Our faculty expertise is sought by various institutions and organizations, where they are invited as resource persons in different parts of the country. Faculties are also involved in writing books, contributing chapters in books and editing books. Some of our faculty is recipients of state level and college management instituted research awards.
Well defined research polices govern the research on the campus and are aimed at fulfilling the following objectives.
1) Promoting research amongst teachers and students.
2) Enabling faculty members and students to understand the facilities provided to encourage research on campus.
3) Providing framework for availing support to carry out research.
4) Describing process of rewarding faculty and students for excellence in research.
5) Creating awareness on research related ethical requirements of the college.
6) Ensuring academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism
7) Facilitating consultancy works.
1. | Research Promotion Policy Document | View |
2. | Promoting Research Culture | View |
3. | Promoting Research excellence | View |
4. | Availing Seed money/financial aid for Research | View |
5. | General Policy for drafting of MoU | View |
6. | Promoting Research Project proposals submissions | View |
7. | Consultancy policy | View |
8. | Plagiarism policy | View |
9. | IPR policy | View |
10. | Code of Research Ethics | View |
11. | IEC Policy | View |
Code of Research Ethics - Policy Document
Code of Research Ethics Policy was formulated to govern the standards of conduct of research on the campus, encompassing ways to avoid Plagiarism; Research Publication Ethics and Quality Publications (UGC- CARE list). While carrying out research, it is important to adhere to ethical principles, curb plagiarism and conform to the requirements of adhering to quality of research publications.
1. | Code of Research Ethics Policy | View |
2. | Plagiarism Policy | View |
3. | IEC Policy | View |
4. | UGC Care list | Visit: https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/apps1/home/index |
UGC Notices and Notifications:
1. UGC notice on Self Plagiarism Visit:https://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/2284767_self-plagiarism001.pdf
2. UGC NOTIFICATION: Promotion Of Academic Integrity And Prevention Of Plagiarism In Higher Educational Institutions Regulations, 2018
Visit: https://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/7771545_academic-integrity-Regulation2018.pdf
3. UGC- Good Academic research practices Visit:https://www.ugc.ac.in/e-book/grap_29092020/mobile/index.html
Thrust area of research
A significant number of faculty members are actively involved in undertaking research projects, publishing and presenting their research findings and carrying out collaborative research activities. The departments actively involved in research are tabulated below:
Sr.No. | Department | Thrust areas |
1 | Geography | Population, Socio - Cultural & settlement Studies, Agricultural Geography, Remote Sensing and GIS |
2 | Zoology | Human Genetics, Genetic toxicology, Epidemiology of human disorders, Avian Studies, Mangrove faunal studies, Teaching-Learning Pedagogies. |
3 | Sociology | Diaspora and migration studies, women in social context. |
4 | Biotechnology | Microbiology Enzymology Environmental Biotechnology |
5 | Computer Science | Data Mining, Data base systems, decision support systems. Computer networking. |
6 | Chemistry | Material Sciences, |
7 | Physics | Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Experimental Neutron Physics, Theoretical condensed matter Physics, Material Science and computational quantum mechanics. |
8 | English | American and Goan Literature |
9 | Botany | Plant Physiology, Plant tissue culture |
As research is the key focus of this institute, management of the college introduced specialized research laboratories such as Geographical information services Lab(GIS), Photogrammetry Lab, Human Genetic Research lab, Plant Physiology lab and Analytical Lab. Besides these, the college harbors well equipped library and a wi-fi campus.
1) Geographical information services Lab(GIS):GIS Lab has 20 computers with loaded with GIS software ArcView 10, ArcGIS Master Lab kit, software for image processing like ENVI 4.6 and IDL for modeling. In addition all computers have programming facilities like C, C++, Visual Basic 6.0, and graphical facilities like AutoCAD.
Geoinformatics Lab is a good asset for research to store, manage, retrieve and
represent in digital and iconic modes.
Lab: has
the necessary setup along with 20 sets of multispectral satellite data and
other field and navigation Instruments such as GPS Garmin Map 76CSx, GPS
Oregon 550, GPS Etrex Vista HCx, GPS Montana 650, Brunton Compass and Tangent
Clinometer and Survey Instruments such as Prismatic Compass, Transit Theodolite,
Chain set, Chain and Tape Survey set, Plain Table survey sets etc. Post-processing
and real-time kinematic (radio frequency 438MHz) range upto 25 Km having
accuracy of 5mm. consultancy projects are carried out at these labs.
Human Genetic Research Lab(CHGRL):The research at CHGRL is focused on
genetic disorders in humans, genetic toxicity studies, and epidemiological
studies.The lab has offers internships and trainings in the field of Human
genetics, digital Karyotyping,
Comet assays, culture techniques and cytogenetic
techniques. CHGRL also offers Post Graduate Diploma course in Clinical Genetics
and Medical Lab techniques (PGDCGMLT).
Physiology Research Lab:is equipped with all basic facilities in Plant
Science Research. Lab also has facility for growing plants under controlled
conditions. The equipments available are PCR, rotary vacuum evaporator, UV
spectrophotometer and chlorophyll flurometer.
Research Lab(CRL): CRL
was established in 2018, to strengthen and upgrade available science
research facilities to advanced research & training to enable researchers
to take up challenging research projects. It harbors high-end research
instruments viz Gel Doc, Tissue culture facilities etc. This was funded through
RUSA and DBT star college scheme.
Lab: The
Instrumentation Laboratory is well equipped with the following sophisticated
instruments such as FTIR spectrophotometer, atomic spectrophotometer, TG- DTA
analyser, Differential scanning calorimeter and Gas Chromatography.
Research Laboratory
has equipments for soil and water testing. The laboratory maintains sufficient
analytical and support instruments/ equipment for conducting analytical
operations since modern analytical laboratory depends heavily upon
tissue culture laboratory: of the department of Botany has the facility
for carrying out callus cultures. The laboratory enables faculty and students
to carry out research in plant tissue culture.
Research projects are undertaken by faculty funded by various funding bodies. To encourage projects, policy documents on Research funding bodies and research promotion polices are formulated. Workshops are also conducted to encourage research proposal writing. Thus college has strengthened its research infrastructure to create conducive research environment and promote research works on the campus. Research Discussion Forum (RDF) was established in 2016, to encourage interdisciplinary research projects and consultancy activities.
Year Wise Research Projects and Grants Obtained by the Faculty:
Researchers are encouraged to publish their research findings in peer reviewed journals listed by Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE) of UGC or indexed in Scopus/Web of Science/India Citation Index. College organizes workshops on creating awareness about Predatory journals and for encouraging researchers to publish their research findings in peer reviewed journals listed by Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE) of UGC
Year Wise Research Publications:
Research Publications - 2015-16
Research Publications - 2016-17
Research Publications - 2017-18
Research Publications - 2018-19
Research Publications - 2019-20
Research Publications - 2020-21
Many faculty share their knowledge and expertise through the media of books. Our faculty members have authored books which serve as reference books or text books for institutions and professional colleges.
Year Wise Book Publications:
Best Teacher Awards
- Best Teacher Awards View
The institution encourages consultancy services which contribute to the society. College has a consultancy policy framed to serve as guideline for execution and revenue sharing. Consultancy services are offered in the department of Geography, Zoology, Computer science, Geology, Chemistry, Counseling centre and Tiger Studio.
The faculty members take up consultancy works, engaging government institutions academia, civil society and community organizations. Besides a team of Faculty are also identified as Technical Support Group (TSG), by the Goa State Biodiversity Board,to enable the Biodiversity Management Committees (BMC) of Panchayats in Goa, to document the biodiversity and traditional knowledge of the villages. This is a collaborative effort of faculty from department of Geography, Zoology and Botany.
IQAC of the college also offers consultancy in administrative processes related to autonomy. IQAC shares best practices with other higher education institutes and are invited to conduct workshops on pedagogies of Teaching-Learning-Evaluations.
In pursuit to add value to education and make the students more skilful, all Departments conduct extension activities such as workshops and conferences for training students and faculty and invite renowned resource persons from industrial work sector to bridge the industry-academia gap. Departments also have student led activity clubs, which conduct subject related activities, participation in which, gives the needed impetus to develop life skills, self-confidence, time management, leadership skills and promotes team work.
Year Wise Extension Activities:
Extension Activities - 2016-17
Extension Activities - 2017-18
Extension Activities - 2018-19
Extension Activities - 2019-20
Extension Activities - 2020-21
The institute contributes to the society through various community outreach activities. Besides the NSS unit of the college, outreach activities are carried out by various departments of the college, for the benefit of the less privileged and marginalized section of society and also to bring awareness of health issues and contribute to improvising quality of education in the neighboring schools/colleges.
Students conduct awareness activities related to aids, gender, health issues, and environment protection. Green initiatives for environment protection and conservation works are also carried out by the students. Concern for environment is also ignited through activities and field visits.
Community works engaging civil society and community organizations for the past 6 years:
Community Outreach and extension - 2016-17
Community Outreach and extension - 2017-18
Community Outreach and extension - 2018-19
Community Outreach and extension - 2019-20
- Collaborations View
Green Initiatives
Strategic plan of sensitising students towards environmental and societal issues include measures to contribute to the society through various community outreach activities and extensions works.
Green Initiatives on the campus/surroundings:
a) Green Audit
b) Butterfly garden: It harbors host plants to propagate butterflies on the campus. Presence of many species of butterflies on our campus is an indication that the Chowgule college campus is clean and healthy.
c) Bird houses: were installed on the campus to promote bird diversity.
d) Composting: The campus harbors a shredder and composting unit for degrading the organic material produced on campus. Canteen waste is also composted by Vermicomposting.
e) Awareness initiatives for Energy and water conservation: Students have stuck posters on the campus to sensitize individuals to save electricity and water.
Research projects completed by the faculty for the past 05 years:
2022-23 | Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad |
2.Complete report 3.Related documents |